When you educate a child you give them freedom


Since the start in 2013 Together for Better has helped hundreds of children to access education and play through, for example, constructions of three school buildings, two playgrounds, support for running costs to one school, and yearly donations towards school supplies for the entire year, to 300-400 students.

Together for Better focuses on supporting early childhood education and quality primary education. We believe that early childhood education is key to providing children with a head start. Only 16 % of children from the poorest families goes to pre-school. Supporting preschool for these children will ensure that also the most marginalised children arrive at school ready to learn.

Together for Better supports schools that give extra attention to girls education.

Success stories

Fucpe school, La Romana, has the capacity to accomodate some 250 students. But for many years the school could not offer the children a safe place to play. There was often fighting and agressive behavior. In 2016, Together for Better funded constructions of a playground. Today the school reports of happier, smiling kids.

ABC Charity is a Swedish non-profit creating the world’s largest art project for charity. They create events for thousands of kids around the world during which they, together with the kids create the first ever human alphabet. The photo art is sold to benefit local and global charities, enabling kids to support other kids. In 2013, Together for Better had the honor to help gather over 500 children to form the letter E. Read more about the event here.

This is Wendy. Her parents could not keep her and for a while she lived with her grandmother. But her grandmother’s new partner beat her and finally dismissed her out of the house. The grandmother reached out for help and today Wendy lives with the Founder of Camino de Esperanza School with a warm and safe family. Wendy goes to school in a Together for Better supported School, Camino de Esperanza.

Thank you

Annual reports